Top 100 viewed Highlights (All Time: 67254 views, 1843 unique)

All Time | Last 12 Months
RankHighlightEventNum ViewsUnique HitsPlay
1Good Goal by Sol, great assist from Josh. Griddy celebration. 1 - 0Spirit U14, Rnd 1 vs Hills. Win 2-1155104Play
2Headed Goal by Skye, first shot by Josh, win by Sol, great cross by Fergus. 2 - 0Spirit U14, Rnd 1 vs Hills. Win 2-113084Play
3Great goal by Rihaan. Assist by Josh after passing around the back.Spirit U13 Trial vs Rydalmere15477Play
4Cracker of a goal by Cameron Hogan. From Josh's corner. 1 - 0Spirit U14 Rnd 24 vs Prospect, Win 4 - 013170Play
5Goal by Ethan, around the keeper. Lead up from Cam, Sid, Nate and great assist from JoelN. 0 - 2 Spirit U14 Rnd 14 vs Central Coast United, Win 3 - 010769Play
6Goal by Sol. Pass from JoelN to Skye, dummy by Ewan. 2 - 2Spirit U14 Rnd 8 vs Bankstown, 2 - 2 Draw9163Play
7Goal by Ethan, headed in from the corner by Cam. 0 - 1Spirit U14 Rnd9 vs Prospect, Win 3 - 18663Play
8Goal by Josh, lots of knuckle, from distance. 1 - 02023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL10362Play
9Goal by Sol, through by RamiSpirit U14, Trial 1 vs Rydalmere9260Play
10Goal by Skye, great touch, good work from Ethan, pass from Rubi.Spirit U14, Trial 3 vs Sydney FC9458Play
11Good goal by Sol, good assist by Josh, 1 - 0Spirit U14 Rnd 13 vs Hakoah, Win 4 - 39057Play
12Goal by Sol. Cross by Josh, pass from JoelM. 1 - 2Spirit U14, Rnd 3 vs Newcastle Jets. Loss 1-28656Play
13Runaway Goal by Ethan, round the keeper. Pass by JoelN. 2 - 0Spirit U14 Rnd 13 vs Hakoah, Win 4 - 38156Play
14Great Goal by Cameron Hogan, assist by Ethan Fajemisin. 3 - 02023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL8755Play
15Shot by Andre, over. Lead up from Fergus, EthanC2023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL7555Play
16Goal by Ben, Hattrick. Good play by EthanC. Good tackle by Ewan. 7 - 02023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL7454Play
17Goal by Luke (u13), assist from FergusSpirit U14, Trial 1 vs Rydalmere7853Play
18Goal by EthanC, left foot. Lead up from Fergus, Luke. Good Assist from Evan. 2 - 02023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL6953Play
19Goal by Dom, great pass from Josh. 2 - 2Spirit U14 Rnd4 vs Nepean. 2 -2 Draw7552Play
20Goal by Ethan, pass by Cam. 3 - 2Spirit U14 Rnd5 vs Mounties. 2 - 3 Loss7352Play
21Goal by Sol from the free kickSpirit U14, Trial 1 vs Rydalmere6852Play
22Good Goal by Skye. Good assist by Nate. 0 - 1Spirit U14 Rnd 21 vs St George City, 1 - 1 Draw8050Play
23Goal by Skye. Great assist from JoelN, good 1-2 with Ethan. 0 - 1Spirit U14 Rnd 14 vs Central Coast United, Win 3 - 07850Play
24Goal by Sol, from the corner, straight in. 0 - 1Spirit U14, Rnd 2 vs Rydalmere. Win 1-47350Play
25Good goal by Sol after good press by Jeevan and intercept by Skye. Pass from Blake 1 - 2Spirit U14, Rnd 2 vs Rydalmere. Win 1-47049Play
26Great Goal by Sol, chipped the keeper. Won by Morgan, through by Blake. 1 - 4 Spirit U14, Rnd 2 vs Rydalmere. Win 1-46849Play
27Rondo's, after Cam got flattenedSpirit U14, Rnd 1 vs Hills. Win 2-15647Play
28Goal by Sol, from the free kick. 1 - 1Spirit U14 Rnd4 vs Nepean. 2 -2 Draw5447Play
29Dane's broken wristSpirit U13 Trial6 vs Ryde Magic8646Play
30Shot by Evan, good save. Lead up from Cam and EthanF2023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL7046Play
31Great ball by Skye out to Sol, Josh, FergusSpirit U14, Rnd 1 vs Hills. Win 2-16746Play
32Goal by Sol, assist from Cameron Hogan. High View. 1 - 0Spirit U14 Rnd 15 vs Parramatta, Win 2-16446Play
33Goal by Ben, great assist from Charlie. Good 1-2 with Evan. 2 - 0Spirit U15, Trial 4 vs Dulwich Hill, Win 6 - 26146Play
34Goal by JoelM. Slotted into the side netting. 0 - 3Spirit U14 Rnd 14 vs Central Coast United, Win 3 - 07245Play
35Goal by Cabi. Assist from Charlie. Good leadup from Ewan, Evan and Joel. 3 - 0.Spirit U15, Trial 4 vs Dulwich Hill, Win 6 - 26445Play
36Goal by Fergus. Assist from Skye. Lead up from Nate and Ethan. 2 - 1Spirit U14 Rnd5 vs Mounties. 2 - 3 Loss8944Play
37Goal by Skye, headed in top bins from Ewan's free kick. 5 - 1Spirit U14 Rnd 17 vs Rydalmere, Win 5 - 17544Play
38Goal by JoelM. Corner by Sol, off the crossbar, headed in by JoelM. 1 - 3Spirit U14, Rnd 2 vs Rydalmere. Win 1-47044Play
39Great goal by Skye Halmarick - High view. 2 - 1Spirit U14 Rnd 15 vs Parramatta, Win 2-16544Play
40Goal by JoelM, Great tackle and shot from Skye. 1 - 0Spirit U14 Rnd 22 vs Bonnyrigg, Draw 1 - 16244Play
41Goal by Sol from the tight angle. Good assist from Cam. Lead up from Sid and JoelN. 1 - 0Spirit U14 Rnd 15 vs Parramatta, Win 2-16044Play
42Great Play by Rihaan and great shot by Sol. Over the line?Spirit U13 Rnd10 vs Sutherland8943Play
43Great goal by Nate, curled into the top corner. Good leadup from Fergus, Sid, Jeevan, Cam, Morgan, Josh, Ewan, Sid. 0 - 2Spirit U14 Rnd 30 vs Parramatta, Win 3 - 16643Play
44Goal by Ben, from outside the boxSpirit U13 Trial6 vs Ryde Magic8342Play
45Shot by Ben, over. Lead up from Josh.2023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL6742Play
46Shot by Josh, lead up from Fergus2023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL6242Play
47Penalty from Sol, overSpirit U14, Rnd 3 vs Newcastle Jets. Loss 1-26242Play
48Goal by Josh, assist by Jesse and CamSpirit U12 Trial vs Sydney Utd, Game 26042Play
49Cracker of a goal from Skye Halmarick on the turn. 2 - 1Spirit U14 Rnd 15 vs Parramatta, Win 2-16042Play
50REPLAY - Goal by Cameron Hogan. 1 - 0Spirit U14 Rnd 24 vs Prospect, Win 4 - 07541Play
51Goal by Rihaan. Lead up from Ethan, Jeremy, JoshSpirit U13 Trial6 vs Ryde Magic6941Play
52Goal by JoelM, header from the free kick by Sol. 1 - 1Spirit U14 Rnd 8 vs Bankstown, 2 - 2 Draw6341Play
53Good pass by Josh and shot from Skye - saved.Spirit U14, Rnd 1 vs Hills. Win 2-15341Play
54Good Play by JoelN, Cam, Josh, Skye, Rami, SolSpirit U13 Rnd5 vs Sydney Olympic5241Play
55Goal by Sol, wrong footed the keeper. Ball through by Nate. 1 - 0Spirit U14 Rnd 17 vs Rydalmere, Win 5 - 16640Play
56Goal by Sol, through a couple - Hattrick! Great ball by Ethan. 3 - 0Spirit U14 Rnd 17 vs Rydalmere, Win 5 - 16040Play
57Great Goal by Ethan. 3 - 2 Spirit U14 Rnd 13 vs Hakoah, Win 4 - 35740Play
58Goal by Dom. Good one-two by Ewan and Ethan, assist from JoelM. 1 - 2Spirit U14 Rnd9 vs Prospect, Win 3 - 15440Play
59Great Goal by Sol, top left. Lead up from Jeevan, Sid, Rami, Morgan. 3 - 0Spirit U14 Rnd 24 vs Prospect, Win 4 - 05140Play
60Good Play out by Cam, Ewan, EthanF, Dooley, Joseph, FergusSpirit U15 2023 Rnd 8 vs St George FC, Win 1 - 36839Play
61Goal by Sol, off the post and in. Cross from Skye. 2 - 1Spirit U14 Rnd 17 vs Rydalmere, Win 5 - 16739Play
62Goal by Rihaan, Good work by Josh, LachieP and BenSpirit U13 Rnd3 vs Mounties Wanderers6739Play
63Goal by Luke from the Penalty spot, smashed into the roof of the net. 6 - 02023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL6139Play
64Goal by Sol, good finish. Tackle by Skye for the assist. Good defence from Jeevan. 0 - 1.Spirit U14 Rnd 19 vs Nepean, Win 3 - 05839Play
65Great goal by Sid, through 3. 0 - 1Spirit U14, Rnd 18 vs Newcastle Jets, 1 - 1 Draw5639Play
66Goal by Ewan from the free kick. 0 - 1Spirit U15 Rnd 2 vs Fraser Park, Lost 3 - 15639Play
67Goal by Josh, shot from Sol saved, lead up from Ewan. 0 - 1Spirit U14 Rnd 23 vs Bankstown, 1 - 1 Draw5539Play
68Shots by Ben, off the post. Lead up from Andre, Evan, Cam2023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL4839Play
69Good Goal by Ewan, assist from EthanF. 3 - 1Spirit U15 2023 Rnd 3 vs Bulls FC, Draw 3 - 35538Play
70Goal by Dom. 4 - 2. Good intercept from Dom, lead up from Ethan and Sol.Spirit U14 Rnd 13 vs Hakoah, Win 4 - 35338Play
71Blocking the crossGHFA U11 SAP, Rnd 7 vs Magic, Game 15038Play
72Good Play by Ewan, Rihaan. Great ball by Ben to Josh.Spirit U13 Rnd3 vs Mounties Wanderers6837Play
73Shot by Rihaan, ball won by EthanSpirit U13 Trial vs Rydalmere6237Play
74Good chase and tackle by Cam Spirit U13 Trial vs Rydalmere6137Play
75Goal by Jeevan from Sol's free kick. 4 - 1Spirit U14 Rnd 17 vs Rydalmere, Win 5 - 15537Play
76Shot by Ben, saved, good run by Josh2023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL5337Play
77Goal by Ewan from the free kick on the side line. 1 - 3Spirit U14 Rnd9 vs Prospect, Win 3 - 15237Play
78Good link up Play by Ewan and Skye. Good ball by EvanSpirit U15 2023 Rnd 4 vs Bonnyrigg, Draw 0 - 04937Play
79Goal by Ben, leadup from Fergus and EthanF. 5 - 02023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL4637Play
80Goal by Sol, one on one with the keeper. Through ball by Cameron Hogan. 4 - 0. Good defence by EwanSpirit U14 Rnd 24 vs Prospect, Win 4 - 05036Play
81Goal by Sol, lead up from Fergus, Morgan JoelM. 1 - 0Spirit U14, Trial 4 vs Weston7935Play
82Goal by Soli. Assist by Ewan. Great setup by Joel M, FinlaySpirit U13 Trial vs Rydalmere6835Play
83Goal by Ben. Quick Free Kick by Cam to the head of EthanF. 1 - 1Spirit U15 Rnd 1 vs Northern Tigers, Lost 2 - 16135Play
84Good Play by Cam, Skye, JoelMSpirit U14 Rnd 14 vs Central Coast United, Win 3 - 05535Play
85Good Play by EthanF, Cam, Josh, Ewan, Fergus, CabbySpirit U15 2023 Rnd 8 vs St George FC, Win 1 - 35535Play
86Goal by 56. Ben, great headed finish. Great cross from Andre and setup by Evan. 1 - 0Spirit U15 2023 Rnd 3 vs Bulls FC, Draw 3 - 35335Play
87Good goal by Skye, headed in from the great cross by Ethan.Spirit U14 Rnd 7 vs Bonnyrigg, Lost 3-25235Play
88Great goal by Josh, assist by Joel and AidenSpirit U12 Trial vs Hills Brumbies, Game 14935Play
89Great Goal by Ethan, shaped into the far corner. 0 - 2Spirit U14 Rnd 19 vs Nepean, Win 3 - 04535Play
90Shot by Ben, good save, pass from Joel2023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL4435Play
91Goal by Sid, good header, corner by Nate, header back by Skye. 2 - 2Spirit U14 Rnd6 vs StGeorge City. 2 - 5 Loss4335Play
92Goal by Joel M, free kick and assist by Ewan. Passes by Rami and Cam. 3-4Spirit U13 Rnd12 vs Spartans6434Play
93Good goal by Ethan, great cross from Josh. 1 - 1Spirit U14 Rnd 7 vs Bonnyrigg, Lost 3-26334Play
94Cross across the face by Charlie, touched by Ben, just wideSpirit U15, Trial 4 vs Dulwich Hill, Win 6 - 24734Play
95Header onto the crossbar from Caleb. Corner from Josh2023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL4634Play
96Nutmeg and penalty won by Cam. Good play by EthanC and Evan2023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL4434Play
97Shot by EthanC, good save. Pass from EthanF2023 Trial U15 MYL vs AYL4234Play
98Good goal by Sol, great assist by JoshSpirit U13 Rnd6 vs Central Coast Mariners3934Play
99Goal by Skye, from miles out. Pass by JoelSpirit U13 Trial6 vs Ryde Magic7033Play
100Good Play by Andre and Ben. Ben's shot just wide. Tackle by Cam and pass from Ewan.Spirit U15 Rnd 1 vs Northern Tigers, Lost 2 - 16533Play