LoopTimeDescriptionAction TagsPeople TagsDurationRatingSpeed
Loop0:11.15Good run by Charlie, layoff by Oscar, chip over by Evan, shot by Jake, saved. Shot by Charlie blocked on the line.Good Play22. Charlie, 23. Oscar, 34. Jake, 38. Evan2531
Loop0:12.15Shot by Dooley saved, ball through by CamGood Play25. Luke, 29. Cameron2031
Loop0:14.15Opposition Goal. Great hit. 0 - 1Opp Goal2021
Loop0:17.34Goal by Charlie, from Evan's corner. 1 - 1Goal22. Charlie, 38. Evan1541
Loop0:20.58Goal by Jake, smashed into the top corner. Assist from Nate. Initial ball over by Joey. 2 - 1Goal28. Joseph, 34. Jake, 37. Nathaniel2541
Loop0:26.05Good Play by Jake, up the lineGood Play34. Jake1531
Loop0:27.30Hard Shot by Dooley, just wide Shot25. Luke2031
Loop0:34.10Shot by 38. Evan, wideShot38. Evan2031
Loop0:40.39Shot by Jake, touched over. Good ball by TyeShot30. Tyrese, 34. Jake2031
Loop0:41.10Short corner by Cabby to Cam, cross to Ben's head, pushed wide.Good Play26. Ben, 29. Cameron, 36. Ethan C1531
Loop0:59.23Opposition Goal. 2 - 2Opp Goal2021
Loop1:00.36Good Save by Nick Save21. Nicholas1521
Loop1:09.42Great Save by Nick Save21. Nicholas1521
Loop1:12.13Good save off the line by JoeyGood Play28. Joseph2031
Loop1:19.29Good ball in by Ben, Tye's header saved.Good Play26. Ben, 30. Tyrese2031
Loop1:21.48Good run by Rami. Shot over by EwanShot35. Ewan, Rami2031
Loop1:26.12Good run by Tye, into the box. Ball up by JoshGood Play30. Tyrese2031
Loop1:27.05Shot by Rami Saved. Great leadup from Josh Tye, Evan, EwanShot30. Tyrese, 32. Josh, 35. Ewan, Rami3031
Loop1:32.03Good run and Shot by Ben, pushed over Shot26. Ben1531
Loop1:36.48Shot by Oscar Saved. Good play by Ewan and Rami.Shot23. Oscar, 35. Ewan, Rami2031